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Ultrasonic Knives - Tool Tech Systems chooses Unite Interactive for new global digital strategy

March 15, 2018

Ultrasonic Knives, a division of Tool Tech Systems provides ultrasonic knives and re-conditioning of knives services for the automotive, aerospace, marine, medical, textiles, wind energy, military, manufacturing, sports and food processing industries.

Ultrasonic cutting knives are used for precision cutting for prepreg, kevlar and arimid fibre (AFRP), automotive interior panels, carbon fibre (CFRP), honeycomb core, glass fibre (GFRP), insulation and rubber materials.

The digital strategy provided by Unite Interactive ( included the design, build and management of targeted campaigns, including global brand awareness through web design, social media and other web marketing efforts.

Digital strategy is closely aligned with conventional marketing efforts to help forge customer acquisitions and increase global sales for Ultrasonic Knives.


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